Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Scott Sayre ...

Scott Sayre along with his Campaign Manager Jacob Parrish, hosted a fundraiser last night in Staunton at Mrs. Rowe's attended by many supporters from all over the 24th District...

Scott spoke of his business experience and highlighted the workers who have become active "Partners" in the business. He also spoke of how a media event was held at the business where members of the media could tour and meet with "Team Members" for their comments...

Scott with the vending machines that provide Long-Term disability insurance for the "Team-Members". In a business relationship with the team they have learned proper and effective business practices to make these machines profitable thus providing the funds for disability insurance for all of the Team-members...

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

VCAP: Emmett on School Choice...

VCAP has this very interesting post concerning Delegate Chris Saxman's School Choice Bill. Excerpt of Bill Text:
Creates income tax credits for business entities and individual taxpayers who make contributions to eligible public school foundations and eligible scholarship foundations. For individual taxpayers, the amount of the annual credit is 100% of the contribution but may not exceed $800 for individual taxpayers and $1,200 for married taxpayers filing jointly. The amount of the annual credit for business entities is 90% of the contribution with no limit on the dollar amount.
Makes you wonder if Delegate Saxman will be endorsing Scott Sayre doesn't it? The Hanger camp could hardly claim that Saxman is just out to get him... if that were the case Saxman would be running for the Senate seat himself, wouldn't he?

Sayre Fund Raiser & A New Approach!

Scott Sayre had a great turnout tonight at Rowe's Restaurant in Staunton, VA. Donors and Volunteers had a great time, and really enjoyed Sayre's comments on the progress of the campaign, and he Thanked his Volunteers for their work so far...

Some of the best stuff about Sayre is his candor, for instance he related:

"You know you can fool your boss, but you cannot fool your workers". This comment regarded Mr Sayre opening up his business and inviting in the Press to Sayre Enterprises to meet his employees and see where they work.

He related the story, about how he will work for New Approaches to VA Govt. such as the example of when a Long Term Insurance Care Salesman came to Sayre Enterprises, and the employee's wanted to purchase the insurance coverage.
Being a very expensive coverage Mr Sayre said "OK, Let's find a way for you guys to pay for this rather than just the usual take it out of your pay to fund benefits". Mr Sayre helped his employees draft a business plan to turn their lunch area into a business to fund the Long Term Care policy they wanted. The employees rented the space, installed drink, candy, and other vending machines. They had to buy the products, stock, and service the machines, and submit the results monthly to him, as he helped them manage the vending business.

He said, it took them a while, went through some setbacks, but in 16 months they were able to fund the program for benefits they desired. Now, I don't know about you guys, but every business I have every worked at, always was trying to figure a way to make $$ off the employees, and certainly not let the employees make $$ off themselves for their own benefit!

Scott Sayre really impresses me. I believe it when he says, "We can find better ways to do things, and make Govt. more efficient, and deliver the services we need, without raising taxes!

Let's Roll...

Thanks for the invitation to join in this effort Chris. I am looking forward to working for good solid conservative candidates such as Scott Sayre in the 24th as I am for Jeff Evans in the 20th Senate District.

I am excited by the quality of our candidates and the campaign to come. Grassroots efforts such as this will contribute much to conservative campaigns such as this one and I'm pleased to be able to contribute in some small way.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Organizational Meeting for Sayre

This Saturday was a busy Saturday for Republicans in Virginia. State Central had their meeting, Bill Bolling had a 200 person turnout, and Jim Gilmore 4 President had a meeting.

Still Scott Sayre was able to draw 17 volunteers (not including Scott & his campaign Mngr.) on a beautiful Sunny Shenandoah day, while competing with the aforementioned Republican Meetings in Richmond, VA!
Two volunteers from JMU drove an hour to the meeting, and they came only after hearing Scott at the Support the Troops Rally in Staunton! College Republicans from VMI, and just grass roots volunteers in general. Can't get into specifics, but what was discussed is a very successful sign campaign which is taking hold throughout the 24th District, note RightsideVA's post.
Have no doubts, Sayre's campaign is organized, motivated and has grass roots support!

VCAP ad "Emmett on Taxes"

Update! Another great reason why this is an UNOFFICIAL blog by bloggers on the subject of Scott Sayre for the 24th Senate District of VA... opps... not VCAP, but VA Conservative Alliance, ahem... I thought that logo looked funny..
Anyhow, now VCAP needs to step up and somehow do a funnier commercial... & how is this a negative ad (as I expect some will snort) It is only discussing Senator Hangers votes for and or documented positions on tax increases... and/or views on Extremist Republicans!

Welcome To Bloggers 4 Sayre

Scott Sayre is running for the 24th Senatorial District in the VA General Assembly. Mr. Sayre is a 24th District Native, an eleven year Army Veteran, and self -made businessman.
In his words:
I have deep roots in the 24th District. I was born and raised in Waynesboro and graduated from Waynesboro High School. I went on to graduate from VMI. My wife Mary and I have sent our two kids through public schools – both are graduates of Rockbridge County High School.I’ve spent my life building a local business right here in the Valley. I started Sayre Enterprises 20 years ago in a garage with one product and one employee. Today we have 117 employees across the region.I understand the values of this district because I’ve lived them. And public service is not new to me. Whether serving in the United States Army, as deacon at my church, or as a Boy Scout Master, it has been an integral part of my life.I’m looking forward to working for the people of the 24th District in the State Senate. With your support, I will bring my values – and the values of our district – with me.I’m asking for your prayers, hard work, support – but most importantly – your vote.I look forward to seeing you on the campaign trail.
This blog is completely, UNOFFICIAL, and the work of it's contributors consisting of their own own opinion, and reporting from the campaign trail. We look forward to a great campaign of issues and ideas, and seeing how Mr. Sayre's positions stack up to Senator Emmett Hanger's voting record. As you can well imagine by the title of this blog, we are leaning Sayre, but hardly 'shills' for anyone candidate or issue. In other words, you may see posts of other VCAP endorsed candidates, and/or reports from their campaigns as well, along with analysis of the districts in play for the June Primaries, and November Elections.
If you are interested in contributing to Blogging 4 Sayre contact me at Thanks, and enjoy the blog!