Taking The High Road

Today there was a joint appearance of Emmett Hanger and Scott Sayre on WSVA radio. The blogosphere is aware of an effort to attack candidates family members. A question was fielded by both candidates today relating to DWI laws, and both candidates answered the question.
Unfortunately, a statement was not made at that time to say that personal attacks on family members should not be a part of this campaign. That statement alone would have, or could have ended this relentless 'character assassination' of family members during a campaign. It has already been stated the two have each others phone numbers. Excerpt:
I received a call from Senator Hanger today asking me to contact the individuals who operated bloggers4hanger in order that they remove their blog. I did contact them and they did remove the blog.
I know that Emmett Hanger and George Allen are friends and have campaigned together in the past. I wonder what Allen's advice would be?
Hanger only had my phone # because I was in cotact with him weeks before for the Q and A.
How did he know that Republitarian could control Bloggers4Hanger?
hanger doesnt know who is controlling a blog with his name attached? i dont think so. the senator hasnt stayed in office all these years by not playing dirty politcal games. time to call off the moron, hanger. youre blowing your credability.
-myrons shadow
...and bloggers4sayre hasn't been running a smear campaign against anyone who doesn't actively support Sayre?
Get real.
Oh, and STD... no need to post as anonymous just to set up your cheap joke.
Smear campaign? Oh, you mean disagreeing with fellow bloggers on taking a past position, such as Myrons on being anti-tax, then supporting Emmett?
yeah, that's a smear campaign all right..
oh, but I forgot to search Megan's criminal records, or did I just forget to publish what was sent to me? Yeah that's it..
Ya'lls logic is amazing... Try again, the Sane people reading this can use the laugh!
Does this help?
You guys are insane! It's a good thing for you nobody showed up at the Republican meetings when you all took "leadership" positions. I don't think it would have ever happened for you.
If Hanger had brought up Sayre's moral shortcomings in the radio ad, and then said the campaign shouldn't be about personal family issues...it would have looked like a gimmick to make it part of the campaign and you guys would have never stopped talking about it.
If you're smart...you won't post on Sayre's moral issues at all and hope that nobody else hears about them.
Did you guys look into this guy at all before you threw all of your support behind him, or was it just anyone but Hanger?
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