Monday, May 7, 2007

FOP "Cop of the Quarter"
The Central Shenandoah Lodge of the Fraternal Order of Police awarded two officers the "Cop of the Quarter" Award. Present for the ceremony were Delegate Steve Landes, Delegate Chris Saxman, Delegate Ben Cline, and Candidate Scott Sayre.

Senator Hanger first declined, then said he was coming, then he didn't show up.

The nomination for their award read as follows:
The Nine Trey Bloods are a part of the United Blood Nation. Locally, they have roots in NYC Riker’s Island. They are powerful in New Jersey. For fun and initiation, they slash innocent victims with box-cutters.
On December 14,2006, 22 members of the local gang were arrested the RAGE task force. The 22 were engaged in a variety of activities that included drug and weapons offenses. Just this past week, one of the arrested was found guilty of assaulting three men. He was sentenced to 7 years.
The local police effort was spearheaded by two officers. Candy Jones of Augusta County, and Chris Hartliss of the Staunton PD. Some might remember Officer Hartliss spoke before the FOP last year. For their effort and achievement they share this quarter’s “Cop of the Quarter” Award.
We would also like to recognize Sheriff Fisher, and Chief Williams for their continued efforts in gang control, and law enforcement. Many others were involved in this effort. We would like to take the opportunity to thank them for their efforts. Dean Zullig and Joe Fleming from the Virginia State Police, VL Vess from the VA ABC. We also appreciate the efforts by the DEA, the ATF, US Attorney General .
The US Dept. of Justice Press Release
WHSV Report on RAGE task Force


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